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Gibraltar Golf Course at Park Proxi Gibraltar Hotel in Bowral Park Proxi logo vertical white


Southern Highlands

Gibraltar Golf Course

Embark on a uniquely delightful experience at the Gibraltar Golf Course! This meticulously designed 18-hole marvel is nestled in the exquisite Southern Highlands and promises a captivating golfing experience in Bowral. For golf reservations or more information, please call us at (02) 4862 8615 or email golf@parkproxibowral.com.

Introducing Our Membership Program

Unleash your inner golfing champion and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Southern Highlands with our exclusive membership program at Park Proxi Gibraltar Golf Course. Fill out our Membership form today to sign up or contact our friendly staff today to learn more about the membership options.

*Terms and conditions apply. Subject to availability. Food and beverage gift vouchers are redeemable at the Pro Shop or food and beverage outlets at Park Proxi Gibraltar Bowral only.

Silver Membership

$ 560 / Year
  • Unlimited Social Play, 7 days a week*
  • 20% off Cart Hire
  • 10% discount at Pro Shop on all F&B products
  • $100 worth of F&B Gift Vouchers*
  • Gibraltar Golf Course Ball Marker
  • No Competitions or Handicap
Become a Member

Gold Membership

$ 750 / Year
  • Unlimited Golf, 7 days a week*
  • 20% off Cart Hire
  • 10% discount at Pro Shop on all F&B products
  • $200 worth of F&B Gift Vouchers*
  • Gibraltar Golf Ball Marker
Become a Member

Junior Membership

$ 100 / Year
  • 17 Years and Under
  • Unlimited Golf, 7 days a week*
  • 10% discount at Pro Shop on all F&B products (non-alcoholic beverages)
  • Gibraltar Golf Ball Marker
  • GA Handicap
Become a Member
Pro Shop

All You Need on the Course

Discover everything you need for a perfect day on the course. From snacks and beverages to club and buggy hire, we have you covered. Browse our golf wear collection and get ready to elevate your game. Contact the Pro Shop today.

 Email us: golf@parkproxibowral.com

Call Us: (02) 4862 8615

Green Fees, Cart and Club Hire

Green Fees

18 holes - $40
9 holes - $25 (all bookings subject to availability)

Cart Hire

18 holes - $45
9 holes - $35

Club Hire

Premium set - $30
Pull Buggy - $5

Regulations & Policies

Code of Conduct

The Gibraltar Golf Course Code of Conduct provides members, guests and visitors with guidance on the standards of behavior that are expected of them while they are on Gibraltar Golf Course premises and in their interactions with others in the facility. It has been developed by the Golf Course Operations Manager to ensure everyone can enjoy the amenities provided and relationships with others in a safe, enjoyable, and responsible manner. Accordingly, members, guests and visitors shall:

  • Respect the rights of others to enjoy the facilities and services on offer.
  • Interact with each other, Park Proxi Gibraltar Bowral and Gibraltar Golf Course employees in a courteous manner.
  • Not engage in behavior towards each other or Park Proxi Gibraltar Bowral and Gibraltar Golf Course employees that is deemed to be offensive, derogatory, defamatory, or abusive.
  • Not engage in disorderly or disruptive behavior.
  • Show due consideration to the needs of others, including their right to privacy.
  • Comply with the Gibraltar Golf Course policies, signage, and lawful directions of employees.
  • Adhere to commonly accepted standards of golfing etiquette and sportsmanship as well as the Rules of Golf and any Local Rules.
  • Refrain from wearing obscene or offensive clothing.
  • Behave in a manner conducive to the enjoyment of the facility for all persons.

Members and visitors of Gibraltar Golf Course will be deemed to have accepted this Code of Conduct by attending the premises and may obtain a copy of the Code from the Golf Shop.

The Code of Conduct is actively monitored by management and applies at all times. If a breach occurs and/or is brought to the attention of Park Proxi Gibraltar Bowral and Gibraltar Golf Course Management or employees, Gibraltar Golf Course may initiate disciplinary action which may include refusal of entry, verbal or written warning, and termination of membership.

Local Rules

Local Rules – Penalty for breach is the General Penalty (Match Play – Loss of Hole)

  1. Penalty Areas/Hazards – Penalty areas are defined by Red Stakes
  2. Immoveable Obstructions
    All roads, paths and bridges, penalty area/hazard and GUR stakes, irrigation equipment and distance markers on the course are immovable obstructions. All bridges that are in the General Area and not in a Penalty Area. Free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1. (nearest point)
  1. Abnormal Course ConditionsAbnormal Course Conditions aka GUR are defined by:
    • Any area defined by a white stake, white line or roped off area.
    • Any drain that has been constructed and is not marked with red stakes.
    • Earthworks, earth mounds, wheel tracks and/or crawler tracks
    • Any fallen trees, branches and tree stumps and immediate surrounding areas which have been disturbed by the works.
    • Exposed tree roots in the General Area
    • Any staked tree or garden bed indicated by Blue stake(s) – Play prohibited

    Free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1. (nearest point)

  1. Out of Bounds
    OOB is defined by White Stakes with Black Tops; These areas TBC and will be added
    Model local rule E-5 is in force:
    Where a player’s ball has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds, the player may proceed as follows rather than proceeding under stroke and distance.
    For two penalty strokes, the player may take relief by dropping the original ball or another ball in the appropriate relief area if available (see Rule 14.3)
  1. Immovable Obstructions near the Putting Green
    Ball in General Area. The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b if an immovable obstruction is:
    On the line of play, and within two club-lengths of the putting green, and within two club-lengths of the ball.
    Exception – No Relief If Line of Play Clearly Unreasonable. There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.
  1. Animal Damage on Putting Green
    For a ball on a putting green, relief for line of play may be taken from animal damage (sanded areas) at the nearest point, no closer to the hole. Relief may be off the putting green. No relief is available for a ball not on the putting green.

Terms & Conditions

  1. If the application is for GOLD or SILVER membership of Gibraltar Golf Course, you acknowledge and accept that: – you will be subject to the Golf Australia handicapping system and your handicap may be reviewed at the discretion of management on the basis of any cards returned in any competition – you will have no right to make any representations to the manager before any decision is made to review your handicap
  2. A member may resign from membership of Gibraltar Golf Course at any time if they choose to do so.
    Please note no refunds will be offered
  1. The personal information you provide when you join the Gibraltar Golf Course is used to maintain your membership. You will have the right to access and correct any of the personal information that the Club holds about you. The course will not disclose your personal information to any other person or organization unless there is a legal requirement to do so. The course may disclose that information to third parties that provide services under contract to the course. Those contracts require that those parties keep that information confidential.
  2. If you have provided an email address, the Club may send you newsletters, invitations, advertising material or other promotion communications. By signing the application you consent to those communications for the purposes of the Spam Act 2003 (Cwth) but you may withdraw that consent at any time giving written notice to the Golf Operations Manager.

Terms of Competition

The format of the competition will vary in accordance with the Rules of Golf.

These competitions are open to all GOLD members of Park Proxi Gibraltar Golf Course and their guests.
Visitors/members of other clubs are also welcome to enter the competition.
All competitors must be financial members of a golf club and hold a valid Golflink handicap.

A standard competition fee is payable for ALL players. (green fee will also be applicable by visiting members)

Allocated tee times will be available, however if you prefer to play outside of the allotted time slot, there is NO right of way and all players will maintain their place in the field.

Prizes will be payable based on the current competition prize schedule. These prizes will be subject to review after the competition has had a chance to ‘bed-in’ and if applicable will be modified.

Our Dress

Gibraltar Golf Course dress regulations apply to all persons (golfers and non-golfers) within the Park Proxi boundary and extend to the Course, car park and other facilities

Dress with Respect
Members and visitors are requested to maintain a standard of dress commensurate with the dignity of the game. The professional shop staff and facility management may refuse access to the course to any person not complying with the minimum standards. The mere fact that a person’s dress complies with these regulations does not necessarily mean that it is acceptable. Smartness, neatness and cleanliness are the inflexible standards.

Torn, faded, stone washed or untidy clothing will not be permitted at any time. Closed in shoes are required at all times. No thongs are allowed.

On the Course – Male
Clothing must be appropriate for golf. Shirts must have collars and sleeves; polo/mock collars and skivvies are acceptable. Elastic or drawstring waist and denim jeans/shorts are not permitted. Socks may be of any colour.

On the Course – Female
Clothing must be appropriate for golf. Polo/mock collars and skivvies are acceptable. Denim clothing is not permitted.

All persons playing golf must report to the starter prior to teeing off. Any visitor not complying with dress regulations may be denied access to the course.

Wet Weather Policy

Please note that at Gibraltar Golf Course once a player tees off (in rain or otherwise) there will be no cash refunds, credit card refunds or credits for play on any other day issued.

It is the responsibility of every player to check the weather in advance.

Gibraltar Golf Course is not liable if a player decides to take the risk and pay for a round despite incoming weather.

However, should the Starter deem it necessary to close the course during play, and play is not resumed, credit for another game will be provided.

No siren will be sounded for lightning. All players are urged to be responsible and respectful of the prevailing weather conditions.

At any time when there is storm activity nearby there is a significant risk of being struck by lightning. Due to the unpredictability of lightning strikes it is not possible to determine when players are at risk. Gibraltar Golf Course Management will not be liable for death or injury by lightning by attempting to forecast it. Players should seek shelter inside an enclosed building without delay if there is a risk.

As a general advice places and things to avoid include: –

  • Small structures or sheds
  • Open fields
  • Near to the tallest localised structure such as surveillance tower, tree, light pole, antenna)
  • Umbrellas
  • Swimming pools, lakes, dams, or water generally

Persons should also refrain from holding or contacting metal objects or using devices connected to electrical or phone lines.

Likewise, storms can exacerbate the possibility of falling objects such as tree limbs.

Gibraltar Golf Course has adopted a policy common to many golf courses in that it is the responsibility of each player to check weather forecasts before playing at this facility.

If you have any questions at all regarding this information, please see the Golf Course Operations Manager


At Gibraltar Golf Course, competition management is undertaken by shop staff to manage all competitions. The software in use is by BRS/Golf Genius which has been tested to conform with the requirements of Golf Australia. The countback system we use in arriving at competition placings is along the lines of that recommended by Golf Australia.

The winner and other placing are determined based on the best score for the last nine holes. If the tying players have the same score for the last nine, determine the winner based on the last six holes, last three holes, and finally hole-by-hole from the 18th hole. If this method is used in a handicap stroke play competition, one-half, one-third, one-sixth, etc of the handicaps should be deducted. Fractions should not be disregarded. Ties are to be decided over the last nine, last six, last three, and last hole, in the event of a tie at that point then an 18-hole count back will be carried out. In 36, 54, and 72-hole events, the last 18 holes shall be used and if still tied count back as per an 18-hole round. In 27-hole events, the 18-hole card shall be used in the first instance.

Types of competitions
Information on the types of competitions and how they are played can be found on the GA website https://www.golf.org.au/

Gibraltar Golf Course administers handicaps to the requirements of Golf Australia. Full details on the GA Handicap System can be seen on the GA website https://www.golf.org.au/whs/

The competition card 
A pre-printed competition scorecard can be provided by the pro shop. This will have the player’s name and playing handicap as well as details of the competition being played. These scorecards must be entered manually into the BRS /Golf Genius system at the terminals located in the shop.

  • If a player fails (for a reason which is not approved by the Operations Manager) to return a complete score as soon as practicable after completion of their round, the round will be recorded as ‘No Score – Not Approved’.
  • A player may discontinue play if they consider, in equity, that extreme weather conditions make it unreasonable for them to continue. In this case they should alert the Operations Manager or shop staff and their card may be recorded as ‘No Score – Approved’.
  • Members competing in a round of competition, outside of normal competition hours, MUST use the BRS scoring app (details provided by Gibraltar Golf Course) and finalize scores as soon as possible and before leaving the course after their competition round.  Failure to do this will result in disqualification. The pro-shop being closed is deemed to be an insufficient reason for the non-return of a competition score and disqualification will result for the player(s) when not submitting a score when required to do so.

Frequently Asked Questions – Handicapping

  1. Are we going to handicap the Conforming Social Scores of our Members? No
  2. Are we going to handicap good Four-ball scores? Yes
  3. Are we going to handicap 9-hole scores? No
  4. Are we going to handicap scores returned in Aggregate Teams Events? Yes
  5. Are we going to handicap a score returned in a Competition that has been Declared Null and Void? No
  6. Are we going to handicap scores returned in Novelty Events such as Three-Ball Competitions etc? No
  7. Are we going to handicap the Score of a Player who has Played Within a Competition Field but who hasn’t entered the Competition? No
  8. Are we going to handicap good scores from a Competition that has as a Playing Condition That Players are Limited to a Number of Clubs that is Less than 14? No
  9. Are we going to handicap players’ scores who play singles in conjunction with fourball best ball? Yes